how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus

How to Tell If Someone Has Snapchat Plus or Deleted You?

Snapchat Plus is a subscription model aimed towards users wanting additional features and benefits on Snapchat, it sells advanced features that are unavailable to normal users. But how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus? Understanding this can assist you in gauging how the person is able to leverage special features.

For instance, Snapchat Plus users can change the theme of their application or use custom icons, which allows for greater personalization of their profile. Most importantly, Snapchat Plus provides additional premium features as well, so we will detail it further for you to better understand its benefits.

how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus

What Is Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat Plus is the enhanced version of Snapchat. It contains special tools that add a personal touch to the application. For instance, users are granted access to an exclusive badge which indicates their membership to the premium group. They also enjoy priority replies whereby their messages appear instantly to their friends.

According to various reports, other benefits Snapdragon Plus has are features like custom app icons and extra story tools. However, a lot of people want it solely for the experience that it provides them with.

To answer a courtesy inquiry of how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus, look for the premium badge or any special features in case they’re using them. Such features go a long way in distinguishing and enhancing the appeal of Snapchat Plus for social media enthusiasts.

What Does “Following” Mean on Snapchat?

If someone’s added you as a friend, consider that as Following, your Snapchat has this feature that allows you to see a story and updates from other users. However, you will have to wait until they add you as well in order to see theirs. The following assists you in tracking the people or accounts that you admire by considering how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus?

How to Tell If Someone Has Snapchat Plus

These are some of the features available to users of Snapchat Plus, which, as previously mentioned, are rather distinct. Such features allow for easy identification of users who hold a premium subscription. This is how to know if someone has Snapchat Plus.

Signs Someone Has Snapchat Plus 

Pay attention to certain characteristics of some users; look for the star badge, which is self-explanatory since this shows that someone is a user of Snapchat Plus. See whether they take advantage of this feature and have customized app icons. Also, they might have access to public story analytics, which ordinary users do not.

Steps to Check If Someone Has Snapchat Plus 

1.         Delete their profile and start afresh.

2.         Spot the Snapchat Plus badge to know how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus.  

3.         Assess if they have non-standard settings, such as custom themes.  

This premium option is also best for use when a user wants to pin on top of the chat list a “Best Friend Forever.” in addition to the hints above, this is also a good indication that the user is using a premium account.

If you’re curious about how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus, these procedures will show you exactly what to do on their profile. The exclusive features and badge make them easy to identify. 

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat

Once someone blocks you on Snapchat, you will no longer view their profile. This allows you to utilize the search function to confirm. Check in the search bar by typing their username. If no results come up, it could be that the user has blocked you. Another way to check is to attempt to send a Snap to explore for how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus. In case the message fails to go through, the user has blocked you.

How to Unadd Someone on Snapchat

Should someone decline your friendship, their name will not be on your friends list anymore, so go to the ‘Friends’ tab. If their name is not there, it’s because they unadded you. Now, send a Snap; if it shows “Pending” with a grey arrow alongside it once more, then maybe they have unadded you.

Differences Between Being Blocked and Unadded

Blocking obliterates any interaction, and getting unadded does the same, but retaining your messages while terminating the friendship. Once someone is blocked, they are incapable of seeing a profile. On the other hand, unadded does allow a person to see the names of the users but not be able to communicate with them to expose about how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus.

How to Unfriend Someone on Snapchat 

How to unadd someone on Snapchat

If you wish to delete someone on Snapchat, here is what you have to do. Go to the user’s profile; after doing that, tap on the three dots in the top corner and select “Remove friend” from the given options. That’s all. They are off your list of friends.

What Happens After You Unfriend 

Once you have unfriended someone, they will not receive any formal notification, but the person might notice something unusual when befriending you again. Like, for example, your stories will no longer pop up on their screens, or normally, they do not send you snaps. All the messages which you have sent previously will remain in the conversation.

Managing Your Friend List and know how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus

If you want to indulge in Snapchat more, ensure that your friends list is uncluttered. Make it a habit to remove inactive contacts on a regular basis. How to get someone off your best friends list?

Then, interact less with the other party in question. Activity level determines placement. Keep it unique and make it your own!

What Does It Look Like When Someone Blocks You on Snapchat?

The answer to ‘If you block someone on Snapchat, will they know?’ is not quite as mysterious an answer as someone might seem to think it is. The simple answer is that everything is different. You search for their Snap account; an error pops out as an invitation: their profile cannot be located. 

Moreover, you will not be able to receive their messages either. Trying to send a message to that individual will result in message cancellation and failure, and your message will stay pending. However, they will not be able to see anything new; as I stated earlier, the chat will be pending and uncooked.

If you have been maintaining a Snapstreak with them, it will come to an end. The reason for this is clearly due to there not being any possibility of a Streak, which is unlike Snapstreak because that is based on consecutive days of communicating, but being stranded stops everything. After you remove them as a friend, you do not block them, your messages will be useless: the account will still be located, and there will be no requests sent.

Last but not least, there is one important point to take into account when discussing this issue: remember that blocking someone will not make them aware of such an action from your side. 

how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus

Can You Still Search for Someone Who Deactivated Snapchat?

If someone deactivated their Snapchat, can you still search them? The answer is straightforward since a deactivated account is no longer searchable. Their account is taken off the active platform, meaning their profile does not show up on your friends list or in the search bar. 

For starters, let’s clarify this with the difference between being blocked – If you were blocked, then the profile is missing, but the account is still present; with a deactivated account, the account itself is absent. 

To find out if they deleted you, check on the previous conversations. If you cannot find their Bitmoji or their username then they more than likely deactivated their Snapchat account. Altogether, deactivation bans the user’s profile from active search as well as affects account listings, and alters the social network search results. 

To find out if they deleted you, check on the previous conversations. If you cannot find their Bitmoji or their username then they more than likely deactivated their Snapchat account. Altogether, deactivation bans the user’s profile from active search as well as affects account listings, and alters the social network search results.

How to Know If Someone Deleted Their Instagram 

Occasionally, it can be not very clear to determine the status of an Instagram account. If you’ve been blocked is something for which you could use help deciphering how to check; here’s what you can do:

  1. Search for Their Username 

Employ the search feature. If the search does not yield any results, then the account may have been suspended or deleted.

  1. Check Past Messages 

Review the conversations. If users have been converted to ‘Instagram Users’ and the profile picture is blank, then the account might have been deleted.

  1. Ask Someone Else to Search 

Consider asking a friend to look up the account; if it shows up on their end, then a block has been initiated against you. 

The following readings assist you in determining how to tell if someone deleted their Instagram or instead only suspended it for the time being.

What Does “You May Know” Mean on Snapchat?

The feature “You May Know” on Snapchat assists you in adding new friends. It proposes people depending on contacts on a phone or mutual relationship. For instance, someone, if you have more than one friend, may appear. In this regard, this feature allows for ease of interaction with those that you may have known.

how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus


Identifying whether someone is subscribed to Snapchat Plus or how to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus is simple. Check the profiles of users for stars or other special features exclusive to that user. Such features are easily noticeable. Use Snap Maps and stories to stay informed. They assist you in linking up and finding things. 

It is also good to see what other features Snapchat offers to achieve a deeper engagement. Such tools as “You May Know” for instance, greatly simplify the search for friends. Learning how to know if someone has Snapchat Plus makes it easier to identify several premium attributes.


In the event that someone has unfriended you on Snapchat, they will be able to find you in the ‘Add Friends’ section. Besides, if you have been removed, you will also no longer be able to see their Snap Score or their private stories.

Every time someone removes you from their contacts, your messages will shift to being pending, and the Bitmoji or the profile picture disappears from the chat window. You might also observe that you’re unable to see their stories anymore.

Users are said to have a star broom, then their Snapchat account is unsubscribed, or they add payment. This feature is acquired with a pay-per-use account scheme, which allows for the customization of application icons and story analytics details.

Indeed, Snapchat Plus members can enjoy such unique benefits as fixing their best friend’s account or different Bitmojis which other users are unable to access. Such insignificant changes may be of help in distinguishing premium customers.

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